Equipment Leasing and Finance
Thought Leader for Start-up Leasing companies (financing, registration, licensing and regulations), documentation, and management of national collections.
Bank and Non-traditional Financing
Money comes in many forms and structures.
Specialty Finance and Syndication
Short and long-term financing-to hold or not to hold.
Portfolio Due Diligence
Analyze, correct and take action.
Operational and Collection Training for equipment lessors, banks and non-traditional lenders
Roll up our sleeves, get the job done and take Care of Business.
Collection Servicing and Management
Let us know if you need help, support or advice.
Law Firm Marketing, Business Development and Coaching
Old fashioned personal relationships strengthened by technology to reach a broader market with similar goal.
Emerging Law Firm Business Management
Train and energize the underlying brand and culture to teach the business as defined.
Get in touch
Let us know if you need help, support or advice.